
Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Sick baby sadness

Well the day (or should I say night?) finally came where we were woken up with a sick baby. Poor little guy caught something and has been so sad the last few days. I'm hoping that he magically wakes up feeling better for Christmas. We've been giving him plenty of fluids and nursing him often to keep him hydrated. Some moments he's his normal, happy self just running around and playing. Other times, he's got a super sad cry that just breaks my heart.

I have to say having a sick baby has definitely been one of the hardest parts about being a mom. All I want to do is make him better and I can't. It doesn't help that I also was sick so it's been hard to hold him. While it sucks it happened close to Christmas, it's been a blessing since Josh was home from work and has been able to help take care of us.

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Robot stereo

So excited! My husband's big project for our little guy's robot room is finally finished! We were originally just planning to buy a simple iPod dock so we could stream lullaby music at night, but we couldn't find any we liked that didn't look funny in a baby's room.

After spending a few days looking, Josh thought maybe he could build a robot that he could turn into a dock. It started with a simple sketch by his co-worker and morphed from there.

With the help of some co-workers, they built an amazing stereo that will look awesome in his room now and will continue to look awesome as he grows up. I LOVE how it turned out!

Love all the little details it has. Lots of time and love went in to this project. I'm so glad it was finished in time for Christmas. Ethan may not be old enough to really understand Christmas yet, but I hope he loves this for a long time. I can't believe he was able to make this!