
Friday, January 29, 2010

Pink Stamper "Cold Days Challenge #1"

Ok so Robyn at just posted a challenge. She is stuck inside due to an ice storm where she lives. Makes me feel a little guilty that I'm cold today and snuggling under a blanket when it's only 63 here.

The challenge was to do something using your favorite color with black. Well, like Robyn, my favorite color is PINK!!! I actually made this project a couple of days ago but it fits perfectly with the challenge. And I got the idea for it from too so even better. I have too much to do today to get a chance to get into my craft room. Hopefully tomorrow I'll be ready for the next challenge.

Here's my version of the adorable mini mailbox she made. Enjoy!


  1. like your mailbox...wish I had a target close by, but my husband is so glad we don't!!

  2. So Cute! love the color combo and the whole idea! the little paperdoll is sooo cute too. I came over from My Pink Stamper to see your card. Great Job! have fun creating.
    Cheers Gina
