
Sunday, February 21, 2010

Bridal shower gifts

This weekend was my friend, Somone's bridal shower. Since for the last 6 months or so, almost all the gifts I've given have been handmade, I figured I'd keep that trend going.

This was the push I needed to finally try glass etching. It definitely didn't turn out perfect and I learned some things to do differently last time. My biggest issue was not getting the vinyl down enough in a few places which made the etching off in some areas (mostly the lettering). Also, need to leave the cream on for at least an hour next time instead of just 40 min.

I also finally had a reason to try out the paint can tins I bought awhile ago. They were larger than I thought they would be and not the easiest to cover the first time.

Overall, I think everything came out pretty good though and I hope she liked her gifts.

This is the "Bridal Emergency Kit" I made her. It is stuffed full of all the random things you would need day of. Mostly little things, you don't think to bring but then wish you had. After the wedding, it would make a great keepsake tin to hold all your wedding cards and little momentos in one place. It would also be cool to make it like a time capsule, where you open it on say, your 5 year anniversary and see all the cards and memories again. :)

Back side


Top view. I later added a ribbon pull tab to make it easier to open.

inside view. This is when it was only half full. By the end, it was stuffed.

Toasting flutes. Etched their names on one side

And an image of a couple on the other side.

Little bit better lighting so you can see both sides

I just realized, I forgot to take a picture of the card I made too. :(

EDIT: Few more pics added from the shower. Better view of the inside once it was full. And 2 pics of Somone opening it and showing it off :)


  1. Awww. . she looks like she loved the gifts. Great ideas.. Hope to get to know you.. thanks for inviting me to visit your blog. :)

  2. Saw your posting on MPS:0) Cute stuff, love the concept!

    If you want to follow me back I'm right...


  3. Thank you both! I'm following each of you as well now. Look forward to sharing inspiration with you :)

  4. So cute and what a cleaver idea! :)

  5. thanks for the great idea! I made one for the bride and the groom. I posted it on my blog and gave you credit for the idea!


  6. I got the boxes at a local scrapbook store. My friend called them cupcake boxes.(she probably made it up) I think they were about 4x8x8. I hope that helps.

