
Friday, February 5, 2010

Mini mailbox #2

I just love these mini mailboxes. I bought TONS of them so I'll be making them forever. This one I made for a friend's daughter for Valentine's Day. I'm gonna fill it with assorted candy. This one turned out so cute and I loved the colors together. Hope she likes it!

Side view:

The Front: I love the Everyday Paper Dolls cartridge. It's one that I never thought I would want to buy, but it's one of my most used ones! Especially with the peachy keen face stamps! Also used stickles to make the dress sparkly. She's a red head, so of course, the doll had to hair red hair too!

Back View:


  1. That turned out so cute! I think the cutest I have seen thus far!

  2. Thanks so much Lizzy! She loved it and said it matched her room :)

  3. Your mailboxes are adorable! I wish I would have known about them sooner. I would have paid you to make one for our little girl in CA and mail it for Valentines to her.

  4. Thanks! If she's in CA, there might still be time since shipping to CA doesn't usually take too long. I could get one done this weekend for you if you decide you want to.
