
Tuesday, March 30, 2010

SCAL (Sure Cuts a Lot)

I mentioned this program yesterday and how I really wanted to order it for the Bombshell stamps. Well, I decided to go for it!

If this is something you have been considering buying, now is a great time. They are having an Easter special discount. Also if you use the link I give you, you can also get an extra 10% off using promo code 8774959. This promo code is valid until 4/12. I'm not sure when the Easter special ends though. If you want to buy it, please use the link provided and the promo code. It takes the downloaded version down to just $54 from the usual $75.

I'm very excited to get started playing with this software as an addition to my DS. Let me know if you have any questions.

Awesome news about Bombshells stamps

I'm posted a few cards using the Bombshell stamps I bought and I just absolutely LOVE the designs soo much. Well, they mentioned on their Facebook page the other day that they now have digital stamps of the Bombshell designs that way you can print on any paper. I responded saying they should see about working with one of the die cut companies so that there would be no need to cut out each design and you could really customize the outfits with cute paper.

I got a message today and they were able to make this happen!! I am so frickin excited about this because I hate cutting out a bunch of stuff which is why I have my Cricut and Cuttlebug. For those of you that have SCAL (Sure Cuts A Lot) for the Cricut, you can now buy the SVG. It's only $10 for 25 mix and match pieces that fit on the "Bombshell Angel" stamp. Luckily, I already have this stamp so now I need to look into buying SCAL. I never felt the need for it until now. Hope it's not too expensive.

Here's a link to how to purchase the SVG.

And here's a link to the stamp set that the pieces fit on to. This link is for the unmounted ones where you mount it onto EZ Mount yourself. They also sell it mounted for clear blocks as well for $10 more.

There is going to be soo many possibilities now for this stamp set and I can't wait to get SCAL and start creating! I'm happy that my idea/suggestion really worked out for them and it's cool to be a part of that in some small way. I'm also impressed by how quickly she made this idea a reality! I commented on Saturday afternoon and here it is Monday and it's already for sale!!

Sorry for the long post, I'm just super excited about this. Also stay tuned for a really cute project where I used the Bombshell Angel set. I made it last week but have waited to post it since it's a gift for someone. But I think it turned out fabulous.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Photo Cube

Made another cute photo cube. This is one of my fave things because it's so easy since it's all flat and square edges. No curves to deal with. :) I wish I could find more of these blank photo cubes to cover because I would do these all the time.

I sponged Stampin Up Chocolate Chip on all the edges and used an avacado acrylic paint on the white areas that weren't going to be covered. Wanted to give it a bit of a distressed look.
The "angel" and flowers were rubons.

I love this sparkly bird. It's from a Martha Stewart sticker set. They are a thicker sticker and the colors are beautiful.

The flower and cherry are stickers. The "Memories" was cut from I *think* Lyrical Letters and welded with my Design Studio.

The "young at heart" was from a paper pack, as well as, the chipboard embellishment at the bottom.

This is the top. There is some space inside for storage.

I used modge podge to adhere the paper and I also did a layer coat over the entire cube when I was finished.

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Blogger Award :)

Yay! I got my 1st blogger award thanks to Melanie AKA Scrappy Mel. Here's a link to her blog to check it out when you get a chance. She has some simply adorable cards over there. I'm so honored to be listed in her Beautiful Blogger list, especially since I am so new to this whole thing. So awesome.
Apparently, by getting this, I let you know 10 things about me and then nominate 10 blogs that I read/enjoy.

1) I started crafting a year ago when I saw a pass it on post on Facebook where you make 5 things for 5 people and those 5 people make 5 things for 5 others and so on. I've found I really enjoyed it and I'm not too terrible at it either.
2) Last year I finally decided to go back to school. I'm going for nursing (if I can ever get off that dang wait list) and the stressful classes make crafting my go to place to destress.
3) I am completely OCD and have many weird habits because of it.
4) I've been married for 4 years and my husband was gone almost 1/2 of the time working in Iraq. :( But he's home now. :)
5) I spend entirely too much time on Facebook. It's too addicting!
6) I absolutely LOVE shoes. I don't even know how many I have anymore. But it's a lot. I'm in the process of making a photo album of them, but I've only finished 50 of them so far.
7) I love "bad" tv. Lifetime movies, WB teen shows, reality tv, etc It's my guilty pleasure.
8) I miss my family terribly but I don't see myself moving back to the cold Chicago. Miss the city too but I love being nice and warm in AZ.
9) Because of my mom, I'm a HUGE worrier. I always think the worst has happened. Not good when your husband works in Iraq. Lots of sleepless nights.
10) I love movies. We have over 300 DVD's. There's some movies that I could watch over and over and never get sick of them.

Ok...onto the bloggers that I'm going to nominate. This is hard since my faves were all on my computer that died and unfortunately I've only been able to remember so many. Some may have already gotten this already too. But here goes.

Stephanie at I LOVE the stuff she makes using the Bombshell stamps. They are my new fave stamp sets and her projects make me want to buy the ones I don't have yet.

Wendy at Love her Cricut stuff. Inspires me to use mine more. Just wish I had more cartridges.

Joy at Love her tutorials. She's great at explaining how to do different features on the Cricut

Robyn at She's like everyone's fave. I learned how to use my Cricut before I even got it in. Her projects are easy for people to do which makes it nice for newbies like me.

Nicole at Love all of her cards. I don't think there's a single one I don't like. She makes super awesome paper flowers. Makes it sound easy and it's stuff I've wanted to try, but they look so difficult.

Tanya at Super cute cards.

My friend Tabitha at Inspires me to workout and eat better. She does it while having 2 little boys running around so I have no excuse!

Breanna at Great cards using the Cricut.

Cindy at More awesome cricut projects. Makes me want to take on the recipe book that she's contributing pages to.

So there you go! Hope you all got some new blogs to look at for inspiration. :)

Monday, March 22, 2010

Glass etching round 2

Ok so I decided to give the glass etching another go. My friend's wedding was this weekend and I wanted something tangible to go along with the card/check so I decided to etch a vase. I have a few vases laying around that never get used because they are all the same. I get them when flowers are delivered and don't throw them away but have no use for them. Well, by etching them and personalizing them, it's giving use to something that would just sit.

Anyways, I once again used my cricut for the lettering. I used the Lyrical Letters cartridge for the wording and cut it out on vinyl from Oh My Crafts. The small lettering and curved surface made it a little difficult to apply. Took a lot of time and patience to get it straight and get rid of any bubbles in the vinyl. The last project, I didn't get the vinyl down in all spots so the etching cream bled a little. I also used a smaller brush instead of the foam brush this time. I think it worked better to get all the small spaces and left less room for error. I left the cream on for a full hour this time and it worked much better, no need to redo any areas.

Here's a picture. It has their last name and wedding date. I heard from the bride and she is already using it for her bouquet today. :) That makes me happy!!

Here's another picture I got from the bride of her bouquet in the vase the next day :)

The card I gave her is from a stamp club class using Stampin Up products.

Sorry I haven't had much posted lately. Been spending time with the hubby. Enjoy!

Monday, March 15, 2010


Hey everyone! I may not get a post up this week. I'm going to try, but my husband called me a couple days ago and told me he'd be home soon. For those that don't know, he's been working in Iraq for almost 2 years. The last time I saw him was back in July so it's been a really long stretch this time. He decided to quit his job though and is supposed to be home tomorrow. So, I'm going to be too busy cleaning the house up and getting things ready to get any crafting done. I'm going to a wedding this weekend and I had planned to make something as part of the gift, but now I'm not sure if I'll get to. If I do, I'll post if for you all.

I attended a small craft class at my Stampin Up demonstrator's house last week, so I may put up pics of the items we made so that I have something new to show you.

Sorry! But I hope you understand.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Birthday and Bachelorette gifts

So I've been slacking lately when it comes to crafting. Just haven't been too motivated for some reason. But, this weekend I had a bachelorette party to go to. Yay! Fun! Well, it also just happened to be the bride's birthday too, so I wanted to make 2 separate gifts. As anyone whose birthday is right around Christmas knows, it's much more fun to get 2 gifts, then 1 combined one. Get ready for a picture heavy post!

For the bachelorette gift, I decided to do a cute mini album. I've made one very similar to this before for another bachelorette party. It has a very girly theme and it's a perfect album to have ready for any pics taken at the party. I surprisingly did not use my cricut or any stamps on this project! Crazy. Most of the stuff was either part of the album kit or in my stash of embellishments. The hardest part to this, was cutting the paper with the scalloped edge of the chipboard.

Here's the front page. There are 3 different sizes of pages and you can see them all from the front. 

Back page: 


Ok, now on to the birthday gift. One of my very first craft projects ever, about a year ago, was a few plain photo cubes that I covered. Well, I managed to find a few more awhile back. I decided to make another one for her birthday gift. The next 5 pictures are each of the sides and then the top. You can use the inside for small storage.


See, I told you there would be a lot of pictures in this post! Only 2 more to go. 
The first card I made to go with the bachelorette gift. I used another Bombshell stamp. This one is from their "Bombshell Angel" set. I still just adore these sets. I used my Stampin write markers to color them in. And of course had to use some stickles to add some bling.
The birthday card is one that I've had in my stash. I made it a few months ago at a Stampin Up class. It's using the "On a Pedestal" stamp set. And again, had to add some stickles! It's not a card w/o some glitter!!

Hope you enjoyed these projects! Sorry it was such a long post but I thought it would be easier than making 4 separate posts. Let me know if you have any questions about how anything was made. :)

Saturday, March 6, 2010


Today I went to a stamp a stack class that my Stampin Up demonstrator was doing. It was fun to just make some cute cards with other people who love crafting too. We made 8 cards (2 each of 4 styles). Thought I'd share with everyone.

This is my fave of all of them. Made using the Greenhouse Garden. This was my first set that I bought from Stampin Up and I just love it. So Springy.

Next set was using the new Butterfly embosslits die. It cuts and embosses at once which is so much easier than having to line it up a second time and run it through again. Plus, who doesn't love butterflies?
The next set is using the "in-colors". These are the only colors I don't personally own since they change each year. We used a cute embossing folder on the middle area. For some reason, I never remember to use my embossing folders at home. I have tons but just don't think about them. That's why I love going to these types of classes, it reminds me what I have and maybe eventually it will catch on and I'll use them more.
And finally, the last set was more of a simple, masculine set. I'm never good at making cards that aren't too girly and pink. These are simple enough that I can give them to my husband. We used a different embossing folder on the black paper to give it the dotted look. I love the clean, modern look to these. Another type that I would not do normally so it was fun to do something different. 

So there's how I spent my night. If anyone in the AZ area wants to join in, let me know. We do a monthly stamp club and there's usually at least 1 other class each month. I have fun with it and I end up getting a good selection of different types of cards to have on hand.

I'll have another post up on Sunday or Monday so check back then. :)