
Saturday, March 27, 2010

Blogger Award :)

Yay! I got my 1st blogger award thanks to Melanie AKA Scrappy Mel. Here's a link to her blog to check it out when you get a chance. She has some simply adorable cards over there. I'm so honored to be listed in her Beautiful Blogger list, especially since I am so new to this whole thing. So awesome.
Apparently, by getting this, I let you know 10 things about me and then nominate 10 blogs that I read/enjoy.

1) I started crafting a year ago when I saw a pass it on post on Facebook where you make 5 things for 5 people and those 5 people make 5 things for 5 others and so on. I've found I really enjoyed it and I'm not too terrible at it either.
2) Last year I finally decided to go back to school. I'm going for nursing (if I can ever get off that dang wait list) and the stressful classes make crafting my go to place to destress.
3) I am completely OCD and have many weird habits because of it.
4) I've been married for 4 years and my husband was gone almost 1/2 of the time working in Iraq. :( But he's home now. :)
5) I spend entirely too much time on Facebook. It's too addicting!
6) I absolutely LOVE shoes. I don't even know how many I have anymore. But it's a lot. I'm in the process of making a photo album of them, but I've only finished 50 of them so far.
7) I love "bad" tv. Lifetime movies, WB teen shows, reality tv, etc It's my guilty pleasure.
8) I miss my family terribly but I don't see myself moving back to the cold Chicago. Miss the city too but I love being nice and warm in AZ.
9) Because of my mom, I'm a HUGE worrier. I always think the worst has happened. Not good when your husband works in Iraq. Lots of sleepless nights.
10) I love movies. We have over 300 DVD's. There's some movies that I could watch over and over and never get sick of them.

Ok...onto the bloggers that I'm going to nominate. This is hard since my faves were all on my computer that died and unfortunately I've only been able to remember so many. Some may have already gotten this already too. But here goes.

Stephanie at I LOVE the stuff she makes using the Bombshell stamps. They are my new fave stamp sets and her projects make me want to buy the ones I don't have yet.

Wendy at Love her Cricut stuff. Inspires me to use mine more. Just wish I had more cartridges.

Joy at Love her tutorials. She's great at explaining how to do different features on the Cricut

Robyn at She's like everyone's fave. I learned how to use my Cricut before I even got it in. Her projects are easy for people to do which makes it nice for newbies like me.

Nicole at Love all of her cards. I don't think there's a single one I don't like. She makes super awesome paper flowers. Makes it sound easy and it's stuff I've wanted to try, but they look so difficult.

Tanya at Super cute cards.

My friend Tabitha at Inspires me to workout and eat better. She does it while having 2 little boys running around so I have no excuse!

Breanna at Great cards using the Cricut.

Cindy at More awesome cricut projects. Makes me want to take on the recipe book that she's contributing pages to.

So there you go! Hope you all got some new blogs to look at for inspiration. :)


  1. Thanks chick!!! I am totally honored. :)

  2. Wow - thank you!! =) I'm honoured!!

  3. Thank you so much!!!! You are wonderful! Your blog is awesome also! Have a wonderful weekend. ;)


  4. Thanks! What a sweet compliment!

  5. Thank you so much for including me! I am out of town right now, but when I return and have access to my own computer I will link your blog with an appropriate thank you!


  6. Thanks so much for adding me to your list:) I just got home! So, I'm just getting to this now!

  7. Thanks you so much! It's nice to know that people are actually reading. I look forward to looking through your blog and checking out the other nominated blogs as well. Cindy

  8. How sweet!! Thank you for mentioning me. I'm honored!
