
Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Possible new house

I know I've been MIA again lately. After over a year of trying to buy a short sale home, we *might* finally have one. I've been busying dealing with all the paperwork type stuff that goes along with that, so crafting has been the last thing on my mind. Hopefully, this one will go through and we can finally be done looking and living in limbo, not knowing if we are staying or going. Please send good vibes, pray, cross your fingers, and anything else that this goes through.


  1. Good Luck! I have bought and sold 5 times. It's not easy. Fingers crossed for you:)

  2. good luck! I work for a real estate company...buyers on a short sale have to be so patient when waiting for the bank to ok the sale! I feel for you!

  3. Thanks. Yeah the short sales have been a pain, but since it will be a 2nd home for us (would be pointless to try to sell our current home in this market), we have the time which has been good. But, it's been so long now that I am just soo sick of looking. My file is HUGE and we put full offers on prob half the houses we looked at. But for one reason or another, the banks kept changing their minds. This one seems promising though.

  4. We have been going through the same thing, its almost been a year and we just got notified we got it, so im sure youll hear your great news soon. Good luck and how exciting, Ive been on cloud nine since friday :) yeah! now im thinking of all the packing well be doing soon, yikes, oh my craft room dream is right around the corner tho :)
    Have a wonderful night and let us know as soon as the great news comes your way :)

  5. Oh, I feel your pain. My stepdaughter went through the whole short sale thing last year, too. She waited for nearly six months, only to never hear anything, and find out later that someone else had purchased the property for LESS than her offer!

  6. will keep you in prayer!!!!

  7. Gina~yeah the packing seems overwhelming. My husband is overseas which means I'll be doing it alone. YIKES! But I don't want to start until I know it's a definite.

    Marlene~yeah that happened on one of the houses too. It's all soo messed up right now.

    Thanks Brenda!
