
Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Nursery tour!!!

It's finally complete! Last package from mom came and I finished my small projects and it's all set up. The only thing missing is the name decal above the crib, but since we STILL haven't decided on a name, that will have to be added later. This is the one we're planning on getting and it will go right above the crib so that area is blank at the moment. This is our 2nd option in case we decide to go more simple. They will definitely be one of my first purchases post baby. This little cutie is also on the way, but I'll need to find a frame for him.

Get ready for TONS of pictures!

Cute door hanger from my aunt on the door leading into the room

Looking into the room

Closeup of the quilt my mom made.

The bedding my mom made

Right side of room

I added labels to all of the drawers and bins. I wanted to make things super organized so it didn't become a mess up there and to make it easier for Josh. I KNOW he'd be like um...what do you want and where is it? so I figured I'd take the guesswork out and label.

Some of the drawers have organizers inside them to corral all the little things into their own space instead of just being thrown in. I LOVE that we found a bunch of different size bins at Big Lots in the perfect colors and sizes. I had to drive to about 5 different ones to eventually find all the ones I needed, but it makes the room so organized that it was worth it.

Little man has a TON of clothes already. I separated everything by size and have a separate drawer for sleepers and swaddlers. I didn't want to have to both with hanging because who has time for that?!

Back of room

We've had this chair for years and rarely used it. I was gonna sell it when we moved, but the colors are pretty close to the fabric so I figured I'd wait and see if we'd use it. Works perfect in the corner here and will be nice to have a 2nd place to sit for when me and Josh are both up there with the baby. Threw one of the pillows my mom made on it to make it match the room a bit more.

Diaper stack my mom made.

Frickin adorable artwork my mom made. She hand cut out and embroidered these guys to match the bedding to represent me, Josh, baby, and Zuker. I LOVE these so much.

changing table

Close up of changing table organization.

Left side of room

Mobile my mom made. Again, she rocks! Cut out with felt to make it look like the bedding! LOVE LOVE LOVE! We decided to hang it from the ceiling instead of from the crib since it seemed to low on the crib. So Josh hung it from some spare chain we had.

Inside of crib. Don't worry, we'll be taking those out before he sleeps in there.

Some of my fave stuffed little stuffed animals that matched the bedding. We've also had that "Sweet Dreams" candle holder forever. We put a battery operated light inside it so that there's not a flame in there. I love it when it's lit up.

I love how much space we have so we can really have a place for everything. No shoving stuff wherever it will fit.

Back of room. We bought those white hooks years ago as well and never used them. Luckily we hung onto them since they're a perfect fit on either side of the closet and are great for holding the diaper bag and carriers.

Inside of closet. I hung a few of my fave items. The top bins hold spare diapers/wipes and big toys. The mesh thing hanging on the side has more stuffed toys. Hamper on the left.

Although, considering we got this amazing delivery of like a years supply of diapers from Josh's coworkers, I um...don't think they're going to fit in that little bin I had planned for storing spare diapers. LOL GREAT problem to have.

More awesome bins from Big Lots. Little man has some cute shoes already.

Toys separated in more bins.

Some of the costume type clothes that are adorable and little fleeces and bathrobe.

The awesome robot my best friend Randi made for my shower. I had to take him apart to fit him when we moved, but I was NOT leaving him behind. He stands guard in the closet.

Robot from my friend Minh for the light switch.

Zuker looking all confused about what this room is all about. She's in for a BIG surprise.

Closeups of our robot shelf

The robot I decorated.

More cool robots: storage, game, and bank.

Tons of pictures, but I'm so so happy with how this room turned out. It started with some fabric that I thought was cute and some furniture we had from when we were in the apartment for the summer. I can't believe how easily it all came together. There's so much love in this room from the hours of work my mom put in on everything she made (bedding, diaper stack, quilt, runners for the dresser, valance, chair covers for the glider, throw pillows, changing cover pads, artwork, and mobile). The crib was a gift from Josh's parents. So many of the items in the room were gifts from friends. Almost everything in the room makes me think of someone I love! It's awesome. It's so bright and cheery that you can't help but be happy when you walk in. I love the originality of it since it's not the typical pastel with sports or jungle themes (not that there's anything wrong with those, just not my style).

I'm also happy with how we were great about using items that we've had around the house forever that have rarely been used. The dressers we were going to sell once we fully moved to TX, but figured they'd work perfect in there. We also bought a lot 2nd hand which saved us tons of money. Most of the toys, the glider, and the changing table/pad were all used, but in great condition. Between generous friends and family, using already owned items, and buying 2nd hand, we spent very little on this awesome room! Which means more money for baby when he gets here. Finished just in time too since he's due in 5 short days!!! Can't wait!!!!!


  1. It's absolutely gorgeous!!! and of course you can see the love it was all made with!! Congratulations!! <3

  2. omg I love it! I can't wait to be an Auntie again! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh
