
Monday, March 3, 2014

Almost 1 year!

Wow! It's hard to believe my little guy is almost a year old! Yay, we managed to keep him alive for a whole year! I'm impressed. We're all mostly sane still and the house isn't a complete disaster. I'm gonna say that's a win. At this time last year, I was laying in the hospital attempting to sleep before they induced me in the morning. But every time I moved, the monitor would go off and nurses would come in so I barely slept at all.

Ethan is already walking and running like a toddler. First steps were taken at 9.5 months and he really took off around 10 months. He eats like crazy! I've never seen a baby love food as much as this kid. Luckily, he is also super active so he can work it all off. Baby led weaning was so awesome for us. Some of his favorite foods include sweet potatos, corn, any type of fruit, and PB&J. Oh and breakfast, he loves breakfast food! Especially eggs and pancakes. He eats more eggs than me.

Enjoying some ribs

Some of his favorite things right now: bathtime (he's a total water baby and I can't wait to get him in swim lessons), playing tunnel/fort with a blanket between the couch/ottoman, hiding under a blanket to play peek a boo, tickles, and watching animal sound videos on youtube. Seriously, if he's cranky, this one video seems to get him smiling instantly! This one is his favorite! This is the only thing that can hold his attention and have him sit still longer than 30 seconds.

My little guy is a total traveler already! He's been in 13 states (Texas, Oklahoma, Missouri, Illinois, Wisconsin, Indiana, Kentucky, Tennessee, Georgia, Florida, Alabama, Mississippi, and Louisiana). He's taken 3 trips by plane (which all included layovers so 12 takeoffs!) and has been pretty awesome on all the flights. And he's been on 1 epic road trip (that's where he got most of his states in) going from TX-IL for a few weeks, then IL-GA for a few weeks before heading home to TX. We'll likely be taking a few more trips this year so hopefully our happy traveler streak continues. Check here for travel tips that I posted after our 2nd flight.

Most recent flight! 

He already had an early bday since we were at the grandparent's house 2 weeks before his actual bday. So here's some pics from his pre-birthday cake.


I'm about to go start decorating his cake for his real birthday now. Stay tuned in a few days for pics of his birthday and his 1 year checkup update.

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